Julia Swain
Divorce Law - Philadelphia, PA

I have always had a broad range of clients, and I think all of them know me for emphasizing practical and creative approaches whenever possible. My cases in recent years have grown much more sophisticated and often involve disputes over seven - and eight-figure assets. My average case today involves assets of $1 million and up. But the basic approach is really the same: Be practical, be creative. Strive to make the resolution realistic and durable - and make it worthy of everyone involved.

I have done a lot of litigation in all five counties of the Greater Philadelphia region. But many lawyers come to me for my experience and expertise in the City of Philadelphia, which like every venue has its unique processes and personalities.

One trend that has appeared in recent years is this: Clients are much more cost conscious. When it comes to legal fees and litigation fees, there is a much greater awareness, at least compared with 10 years ago.

As I have progressed over the years I have a much greater understanding of the court process - when it's in the interest of the client to go court, and when it's not.

Fox Rothschild has been good to me - and it's really one of the few places that can capably handle complex matters. We are uniquely positioned for them. There is a depth of expertise and resources at Fox Rothschild you simply don't find elsewhere - I refer to our tax department and our trust department on many of my cases today, something I couldn't do previously.

I know that I address the whole spectrum of divorce - and the intent is for me to be a useful tool for the client, to make my clients better educated about the process. Certainly clients know more than they did 10 or 15 years ago - the easy access to information has changed everything. But what people see and read online does not replace legal advice, and it never will.

Social media and digital records are appearing as evidence in almost all contested cases these days, even at the highest levels of our profession. People are only beginning to understand the impact of it.

I definitely have a unique background, at least compared with most young lawyers. As a first-generation American I think I bring certain values to my work. Sure, there are good days, and there not-so-good days. But I am always learning, from every case, and from every client. That process - and helping my clients - is always rewarding.

Julia Swain
"I have always had a broad range of clients, and I think all of them know me for emphasizing practical and creative approaches whenever possible."
Phone: (215) 299-2794
Fax: (215) 299-2150
University of Delaware, B.A., 1991
Widener University School of Law, J.D., 1994
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